Saturday, April 18, 2009


The Killer Kids! Blog was founded to raise awareness on a largely ignored yet rapidly growing problem. Truly a crime against humanity, every day children in Africa, South America, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East are abused physically, sexually and mentally. Brainwashed, drugged, kidnapped, forced to kill, these innocent children are victims of military conflicts they do not even understand. In countries such as Colombia, DR Congo and Burma there has been little to no change and thousands of children continue to be used regularly as soldiers. Our mission here at Killer Kids! is not to guilt trip or pander for money. We feel that people simply need to understand and know about the extent of the military use of children. It is up to our readers to decide for themselves if they wish to make a difference.

There is a wealth of information available online regarding child soldiers.

The Coalition to Stop Child Soldiers

Amnesty International


Any one of these non-profit organizations will provide extensive research and shocking statistics. For those interested in charity, these websites will offer numerous options to donate.



"I would like you to give a message. Please do your best to tell the world what is happening to us, the children. So that other children don't have to pass through this violence." -a 15-year-old girl abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda.

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